Zionist’s Deceptive Plans for a “Greater Israel” will end with the Destruction of America.
I have this reoccurring dream where I can see danger coming from a mile away and I try to warn everyone around me but no one is listening. They remain completely oblivious to the danger no matter how hard I try. Sometimes they laugh and ridicule me while I scream at the top of my lungs. Then right before I can actually see what happens I wake up.
It’s like watching a car just seconds away from hitting the one person you love most, and there’s nothing you can do but watch in horror knowing that person is about to die. That’s how I’ve felt everyday since 9/11.
That was the day I saw how much control the worst terrorists on the planet had over my country and the threat they pose to the entire world. And after years of trying to warn everyone to no avail I’ve finally come to realize that there’s nothing I can do but watch in horror as the danger slowly surrounds and destroys us.
These dangers don’t come from an imaginary enemy but from something much worse… “a frenemy.” An enemy who pretends to be your friend but deep down despises you. The type of enemies who pretend they care about and want to help you when in reality they just want to harm and destroy you. The ones who go out of their way to gain your trust for the sole purpose of deceiving you so that they can take everything you have until there’s nothing left. That’s the type of relationship we have with Israel.
For more than 75 years this one sided relationship has benefited them immensely. We on the other hand get nothing in return but misery and loss. Except for the sell out political traitors who have catered to them in exchange for money and think it’s beneficial. The traitors like LBJ and McNamara who willingly agreed to sacrifice American sailors aboard the USS Liberty in efforts to assist with Israel’s evil motives and plans for a “Greater Israel.”
The truth is, the Liberty was meant to die (figuratively & literally) in those waters along with every last American on board. That’s why it was sent there, and why Israel jammed the radio signal as they spent nearly 2 hours trying to murder every single person on board. If not for a Russian submarine that came to our aid, interrupting Israel’s attempted massacre, the Israeli’s would have continued for as long as it took to finish that job.
If it sounds too crazy to believe then you’re right. It is crazy. It’s bat shit crazy but true. And nobody ever talks about the fact that LBJ had already sent nuclear bombers en-route to Egypt, which were a mere 10 minutes outside of Cairo before being called back due to Israel’s failure to eliminate all eyewitnesses to a false flag attack that was meant to be blamed on the Egyptians. Therefore the Russians not only saved the lives of Americans but of millions of innocent Egyptians who never knew how close they came to being vaporized by America nukes if things had gone to plan.
For years the Israeli murderers claimed it was an accident whilst the American traitors helped them to cover it up, forced the men lucky to survive to keep their mouths shut about what really happened. And our NSA not only heard the radio communications between the Israeli pilots and their commanders but kept those recordings a hidden secret.
Hence the concerns and fears I now have for my home, my family, my friends, and my fellow citizens. With the long history of coward terrorist acts and the control I’ve witnessed over our information and government, as well as knowing there are no moral or ethical limitations to their evil, which is something they themselves have proven enough times over the last 75 years, I know it’s too late for anyone to do anything about. Even if every citizen in America believed or knew about it, our government and law enforcement agencies were infiltrated and compromised long ago.
Even before the Jewish Irgun terrorists were caught red handed bombing the King David Hotel disguised as Arabs, they were committing false flag attacks to manipulate government policies and turn the world against the middle east and Muslims. And getting caught has never deterred them from that mission, as we can see again with the Levon Affair just a few years later, caught trying to bomb innocent tourists in Cairo city to frame Muslims. And then again by bombing a German Disco, and then again in Tripoli sending fake radio messages to frame the Libyans, and then again bombing a Marine barracks in Lebanon to kill innocent U.S. Marines, and again bombing a cafe in Paris, and again with Pan Am over Lockerbie, and again, and again, and again as we just saw in New York at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
“By way of deception thou shalt do war.” Mossad motto.
If you were around to witness 9/11 first hand then you saw all the horrors of that day. You heard the accounts from firefighters & other witnesses of multiple bombs. You watched our media repeat official government lies and saw how quick Bin Laden was blamed without any investigation or evidence, only for us to turn it around to go after Saddam and illegally invade Iraq for over 13 years, murdering innocent people who had nothing to do with any of it.
You also heard about the 5 dancing Israeli’s who were arrested after people saw them filming and celebrating the attacks by dancing around & giving each other high fives. The 5 Israeli’s, originally thought to be Arabs, were driving around New York & New Jersey in their work truck with a mural of a plane flying into the towers. The truck was registered to “Urban Moving Systems Inc.” which was a business later discovered to be a Mossad front.
The lies and deceptive tactics of Israeli Zionist terrorists aren’t new. They have obsessively committed these horrific atrocities around the world in efforts to frame Muslims for longer than a majority of us have been alive. Sometimes they get caught. Sometimes they don’t and we witness what follows, like with 9/11, which is exactly what they’re meant to achieve. Sometimes we even get a glimpse of their evil first hand, as we did when Netanyahu got on television praising the 9/11 attacks as being wonderful for Israel.
One thing is for sure, they’ll go to any lengths to carry out their plans and always manage to hide the truth whenever they’re not caught red handed. And in the process kill lots of innocent people and destroy thousands of lives, along with many of our rights & freedoms for their own selfish desires. They’ll make up outrageous lies and have our media repeat them thousands of times to evoke emotion, sympathy & support as we just saw with the fake stories of babies being raped & beheaded by Hamas.
Many of the things that they denied for years are things that they now brag about today. Like their twenty plus year theft of weapons grade uranium from one of our nuclear facilities in Apollo, Pennsylvania, which they used to build their illegal nuclear arsenal.
The Apollo Affair or the NUMEC incident, as it was sometimes called, has been kept secret for decades because of the actual connection to president Kennedy’s assassination. Aside from the public panic it would have caused to know a foreign country was able to simply waltz in & out of our nuclear facilities, people would quickly learn about the behind the scenes tensions with Kennedy and Israeli prime minister, David Ben Gurion, the real man responsible for ordering & orchestrating the hit on our president. All over the lies regarding their Dimona nuclear facility, which was something that Kennedy was gravely concerned about and obsessed with preventing. He not only lost a lot of sleep but eventually lost his life over it. Because nothing will stand in their way of getting or doing what they want.
Amongst themselves they celebrate the successful deceptions and get ready for the next part of their “Greater Israel” plan while laughing and calling us names, like gutless cowards, behind our backs. Because they hate the same gullible people they thrive off. The people they see as weak minded Americans who will believe any and all ridiculous lies told by their Zionist controlled media cohorts.
Lies like the nonsense about Hamas beheading 40 babies. Something most people would never but that Israel would and likely has. You can read the Talmud to get a better understand of why they do those things. It’s the Zionist bible, and it’s by far one of the most evil things I’ve ever read.
Although here in America, nobody knows what to believe anymore because the seeds of distrust were sewn a long time ago for that very reason. But all one has to do is look at Israel’s Supreme court, which was built as a hat tip to all the past, present and future plans of a one world Zionist occupied & controlled government, with that building as a representation of all their hard work at the center of it all.
Of course people will always believe whatever they want to, which more often than not is what media tells them. The problem is, once things happen there’s no way to go back in time & fix any of our mistakes. And make no mistake about it, Israel will eventually destroy our country, along with many others by the time their done. And it will be our fault for not paying attention to the signs, and falling for their trickery & deceptions they use to infiltrate other governments and control their policies. Using them at will to do their dirty work & eliminate their enemies. And that’s the fault of the greedy politicians who allow it because they really are gutless cowards.
How ironic that the symbolic message left for us in the lobbies of the WTC towers on 9/11 was titled “Gutless Cowards” which you can see for yourself in the footage below, which I can guarantee you was not the work of 19 Muslim hijackers with razor blades.
For those people who will never be convinced of anything other than what they heard from our government via the media regarding 9/11, just ask yourself how 11 of the 19 accused Muslim 9/11 hijackers could be found still alive to date and neither our government or media has any interest in reporting that truth or exonerating those wrongly accused of such an horrific act?
Wouldn’t that be the right & decent thing to do? Wouldn’t you want, and maybe even expect, an apology at the very least if it was you who were wrongly accused of being involved in such a heinous crime?
Just saying, it’s a lot easier to understand & sympathize with certain situations if you have the ability (and decency) to at least try putting yourself in the shoes of others. Especially if it concerns something as disgusting & dangerous as not only allowing the hatred of an innocent group of people to continue but also of intentionally promoting it.
And just to be clear so there’s no misunderstanding. This isn’t about Jews or the Jewish religion, it’s about the fanatical Zionist terrorists who have a real agenda that will also end bad for the innocent Jewish people. Because they too will undoubtedly fall victim as well. My love & respect goes out to the ones in Israel who are not only well aware of the dangers but are also risking their lives to speak out and fight against the terrorist leaders of Israel themselves. They too have suffered at their hands. Just another truth which our media neglects to report or mention.