So why no mention of the fact that there were multiple witnesses in San Bernardino who saw 3 white men do the shooting? I guess that should just be ignored, right? Because this guy knows way better than the actual witnesses.
So let’s not call the attack on the USS Liberty a false flag. Or the King David Hotel bombing or the Levon Affair. Certainly not the Marine Barracks bombing or the fake Libyan Radio signals in the 80’s or the German Disco bombing. Not the WTC bombing in the 90’s or the WTC bombing in 2001.
You know what all those incidents have in common, besides being terrorist attacks? They were all “False Flags.” Israeli false flags at that.
(Yes, 9/11 was an Israeli false flag. If you want proof just ask or maybe I’ll write a piece on it.)
But disregard all the evidence & witnesses. Just go with the official government versions because they would never lie or commit false flags.
I’m sorry but this is just nonsense.
Of course not all terrorist attacks are false flags, but all false flags are terrorist attacks. So what do you propose people do? Calling a false flag a terrorist attack kinda speaks for itself.
What you seem to be implying is that false flags don’t happen or don’t happen very often. You know what the point of a false flag is, right? Deception. To trick weak minded people into believing it is what it looks like. And they work.
Have you ever read an actual declassified government document at a government site like NSA, CIA, FBI & .Gov? You should go to the NSA site and look up “Operation Mongoose.” Picture Joint Chiefs of Staff sitting around a table brainstorming ideas on how to kill innocent Americans to justify an invasion of Cuba. Talking about flying commercial jets into buildings like they were ordering takeout. And that was in the 60’s.
You think know what a false flag looks like? Read these & see how many of them you thought were real terrorist attacks.